Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I'm willing to bet my life on the fact that people look at me and thank God they are not me and don't look like me.

Friday, March 13, 2009


I had a good day yesterday.
Really good.
I was supposed to hang out with time, but like clockwork, he ditched me. I didn't care 'cause I was planning on ditching him too.
I woke up. I then took a shower, made myself breakfast, and put air in the tires of my bike. After they were all full, I took a ride to the bank, deposited some cash, then rode back home. I smoked, a lot. Then bought myself a ticket to the Less Than Jake show on Saturday, which is going to be fabulous. In my heavy stupor, I watched some bad tv, which was really good. I went to CVS, got on the bus to the mall, and saw Watchmen.
I was so scared to go by myself so far while I was so fucked up, but it was such a fun adventure. And Watchmen was so fucking good. It's filmed so well. And the colors are so vibrant and..
Well, if you haven't seen it, you should.
My spring break is almost finished. My first night back was rough. I came home to find that everything back home is springing out of control. I hope something good comes of all of this. Probably not.
Then I went to the Bronx to meet up with my dad (which was SO awkward) and he gave me a tour of the new Yankee Stadium. I don't feel related to him. Whenever I see him or hang out with him, it's like the few hours I hang out with him don't belong in the chronology of my life and they are set aside in a different dimension.
I guess that's the definition of estranged. It was a cool tour...but we didn't have anything to say to each other.
I was hoping maybe he'd give me some money as a gift for turning 18, graduating high school, and going to college, and through all of that never giving me a fucking dime while me and my mom lived without running water or electricity.
But, I was expecting too much. Most of our conversation was him asking me about where I went to school and what my major was.
That night I hung out with Conway and Dan and we went to Conway's Dad's place of work and smoked. I got really high. We took a ride to McDonalds and dropped Dan off and came back here and watched Slumdog Millionaire. I fell asleep watching it, haha.
Saturday me and Blake went up to Mana's. It was so fucking nice to get away. Her home is so fucking pretty and relaxing. We drove around, went to target (got munchie food) and smoked in her club house-thing. It's like a mini-house her Dad built. It's so cute.
The next day we went to this dam that was so pretty. It was this big waterfall and it was pretty. We hung out at Mana's more then decided to go to Blake's a day early. We got there at like...9. We hung out, then went to this "club house" (that's seriously what it was called. she lives in this really high end development). It looked like the place Clue took place in. It had a kitchen, large bathrooms with a shower, massage room, steam room, and sauna. We smoked in the steam room. It was so cool. It got so steamy, we couldn't even see out of the thing we were in. We went back and watched Prom night, which I found funny.
The next day, we went to IHOP and it was really good. We dropped Blake off, then me and mana went to my house, smoked, then went to Chili's. After that, she had to go home. I chilled at home the next day, then Mary Cate picked me up. I hung out with her and it was really nice. We went to Qdoba and then just chilled at her house. I went to the show the next night, which kinda sucked. But, whatever. I went home that night.
The next day was the best day ever.
I'm supposed to be packing my room up or something.
I can't bring myself to do it.